Blago Gašpar, in the 5th minute, dribbled away from the opponent’s defenders and shot accurately from about 7 meters for 1:0.
The guests equalize in the 10th minute. Michal Holy shot from a distance, the ball bounced off the post to Tomas Vnuk, who made no mistake in the six-meter area and hit the net. In the 13th minute, Vnuk took a kick from the left side and sent the ball into the six-meter area for Holy, who scored the second goal for the Czech Republic.
In the second half, both teams created several good chances, but the score did not change until the 32nd minute, when the guests scored two goals. First, goalkeeper Ondrej Vahala assisted Michal Seidler, who scored a goal with his head. After that, after a good action, Pavel Drozd also joined the scorers. In the 37th minute, Samir Gosto received a second yellow card for a foul and ended tonight’s match. The final result was set by Lukaš Rešetar in the 39th minute.
The BH team finished qualifiers third in group 3 behind Armenia and the Czech Republic.
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Czech Republic 1:5 (1:2)
Sports Hall East Sarajevo.
Referees: Chiara Perona (Italija), Daniele D'adamo (San Marino), Martina Piccolo (Italy)
Goals: 1:0 Gašpar (4:55), 1:1 Vnuk (9:32), 1:2 Holy (12:39), 1:3 Seidler (31:06), 1:4 P. Drozd (31:20), 1:5 Rešetar (38:37)
Yellow cards: Gašpar, Bošković, Gosto (BH), Koudelka (Czech Repuiblic)
Red card: Gosto (BH)
Bosnia and Herzegovina: Darko Milanović, Josip Sesar, Srđan Ivanković, Josip Bošković, Almedin Bundavica, Senad Poračanin, Marin Sesar, Blago Gašpar, Samir Gosto, Bilal Jelić, Amir Baručija, Amer Džindić, Admir Čorhodžić, Muanis Duvnjak. Head Coach: Ivo Krezo
Czech Republic: Ondrej Vahala, Pavel Drozd, Matej Slovaček, Tomas Koudelka, David Drozd, Lukaš Nemec, Jiri Vokoun, Dušan Kunstner, Lukaš Krivanek, Lukaš Rešetar, Michal Seidler, Michal Holy, Tomaš Vnuk, Tomaš Buchta. Head Coach: Tomaš Neumann